Cyber Asset
About this use case
Deeply map your cyber asset inventory and effectively adapt your security posture. Reconcile all inventory information in a single repository regardless of the nature or location of the asset. Finally, make the right decisions to protect your IT infrastruture.
Identify all assets
on your network,
# and beyond #
The adoption of Cloud has dramatically changed our perception of what an asset is. With Hackuity, the asset becomes a Cyber Asset, regardless of its nature, location or use. Hackuity identifies and centralizes the information from all your Cyber Assets using your current data and tools, allowing extraordinary visibility and adaptation of your day to day security posture.
# Reconcile # Asset
Management with your
Cyber Security posture
Hackuity allows you to combine the information from your CMDB repositories with the information stored in your various security solutions: EDR, Vulnerability Scanners, BugBounty, etc. The information is centralized, deduplicated and normalized, which improves the security posture related to asset management.
Transform Asset
Management into a
# strength #, not a weakness
In the past, asset management and cyber security have been managed in silos, by different teams and with different objectives - Hackuity breaks down the silos and transforms the asset management practice from a constraint to a security pillar. The asset is no longer a problem but part of the overall cyber security cycle.
Asset information ubiquity
Get a centralized view of all your assets, regardless of their nature or location
The very definition of an asset has largely evolved due to the new uses of the cloud, Hackuity centralizes the inventory data of all your assets: traditional on-prem assets, cloud computing resources, applications, etc.
Universal CMDB Connector
Import your data from any IT asset management tool
Organizations can now centralize all information related to their IT assets, regardless of the solutions used: GLPI, EasyVista, Access, etc. Even if you use several tools, you will be able to centralize, deduplicate and normalize the data coming from several departments or branches.
Cyber Asset information
Upgrade your asset management to cyber security practice
Older asset management methods do not allow for an effective defensive posture, Hackuity blends inventory information (CMDB) with Cyber information (vulnerability scanning, EDR, Pentest) and allows for a comprehensive security approach.

If you want a lightning deployment and the full power of the Cloud to manage your vulnerabilities processes, the Hackuity Cloud deployment is perfect for you.
You want the best of both worlds by separating data and encryption keys, keep your encryption keys local and leverage the power of the Cloud for Hackuity services.
On Prem
You have compliance requirements, you need to keep all your security data inside your network or private Cloud, use Hackuity in 100% on-prem mode and stay in control.
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